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Birkenstock: Can sandals be art?
Karolina Schöler

As expected from the course of the oral proceedings, the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) rejected copyright protection for the well-known Birkenstock sandals. This ruling once again underscores that, in works of applied art, the decisive factor is how the remaining design freedom has been artistically utilized and the hurdles are not too low.

Rebuttal of urgency in summary proceedings before the courts of Hamburg
Arne Lambrecht

In Germany, the prohibition of infringing acts by means of a preliminary injunction is a very effective and probably unique instrument, at least in the EU, for the immediate enforcement of intellectual property rights. The most important procedural prerequisite for granting a preliminary injunction is "urgency". The requirements differ depending on the court district. This article highlights the key principles established by case law of the courts of Hamburg.

Why spend money on IP?
Andrea Jaeger-Lenz

Anyone who has to justify internally why money is spent on protecting trademarks, patents, designs and other intellectual property rights should refer to the recently published joint study by the European Patent Office (EPO) and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) entitled “Intellectual Property Rights and Firm Performance in the European Union”.

Act against Digital Violence
Andrea Jaeger-Lenz

Before the legislative period comes to an end, the Federal Ministry of Justice has launched the draft of the Act against Digital Violence.