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Update KI-Recht: GEMA verklagt OpenAI
Michael Wittlinger

Die GEMA scheint nun gegenüber den Anbietern generativer KI-Systeme in die Offensive zu gehen. Nachdem sie bereits Ende September ein – aus ihrer Sicht faires – Lizenzmodell für generative künstliche Intelligenz vorgestellt hatte, folgte Anfang November eine „KI-Charta“ als Denkanstoß und Leitfaden für einen verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit generativer KI und nun schließlich die Einreichung einer Klage gegen OpenAI beim Landgericht München I.

Game over: Cheat software “Action Replay” does not infringe game publisher’s copyrights
Michael Wittlinger

The use of cheat or modding software has always been controversial in the world of video games. While many gamers see it as a way to make games easier or more exciting, developers and publishers often see it as a threat to their rights and the integrity of their products. The European Court of Justice (ECJ) had to consider the copyright component of this issue in a dispute between Sony and the UK company Datel over the use of cheat software called “Action Replay”, which allowed users to alter the course of a game to gain unintended advantages. Read our article to find out how the case was decided and what the implications are for software development practice.

“Der Novembermann” part 2 - problems in the assertion of claims for reimbursement of warning costs, especially in supply chains
Lisa Kammann

According to the decision “Der Novembermann” of the Federal Court of Justice (BGH), the fees for warning letters are to be calculated on the basis of a so-called overall value of the claim (“Gesamtgegenstandswert”) and allocated to the individual warning letters if they are related to each other in such a way that the same matter is to be assumed.

Design law in transformation: The most important innovations of the EU reform and their implications
Anna-Carina Salger

On 10 October 2024, the final step in the decision-making process for the new EU design law reform took place: the European Council formally adopted the revised directive and regulation on design law. This comprehensive new regulation introduces numerous changes that are of major importance to designers and companies. Blessing and curse at the same time? In this blog post, we shed light on the most important changes, in particular the extensions of protections as well as limitations, for example due to the new repair clause, and explain the practical implications.