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“Der Novembermann” – An overview of the fee law principles and the relevance of the decision for practice
Lisa Kammann

In practice, warnings are often issued to several different infringers of the same IP right. In such cases, the question arises as to how the amount of the warning fee should be calculated. In this respect, the decision “Der Novembermann” of the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) from 2019 plays an important role. While it was previously common practice to charge fees in full for each warning letter, according to this decision, an so-called overall value of the claim (“Gesamtgegenstandswert”) is often to be calculated, on the basis of which the costs for the warning letters are to be divided proportionately between the individual infringers.

Colorful trademark law – the obstacles in registering colour trademarks
Ruven Appelkamp

Not only words, figurative elements and their combinations constitute signs that can potentially be registered as trademarks. Section 3 (1) of the German Trademark Act (MarkenG) also refers to a variety of other signs that can potentially serve as an indication of origin and for which registration as a trademark is possible, such as sounds, three-dimensional designs and colours. The following article is dedicated to the latter.

Landmark decision by the Hamburg Regional Court on the copyright admissibility of data scraping for training AI models
Michael Wittlinger

Artificial intelligence is rightly on everyone's lips as it promises to change our everyday lives forever. However, it also poses major challenges to the law, which has traditionally lagged behind technological developments, particularly in the areas of data protection and copyright.

Reform of the EU’s Court System
Cathérine Elkemann

The European Union has implemented significant reforms to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). The changes, which took effect on September 1, 2024, are designed to improve the efficiency of the court system and increase transparency in its operations.